Lemon Lime Dracaena Care Guide
Is the Lemon Lime Dracaena the perfect house plant for you? Easy to grow and thrives in indirect sunlight, with minimal care this charming house plant will thrive in your home or office!
Swiss Cheese Monestera Care Guide
Is the Swiss Cheese Plant the perfect house plant for you? These cool Monsteras grow well in bright indirect light and love lots of humidity, beware they are toxic.
Phalaenopsis Orchid Care Guide
Is the Phalaenopsis Orchid the perfect house plant for you? These plants require little care and are one of the easiest orchid varieties to rebloom. They are nontoxic and pet safe!
Fiddle Leaf Fig Care Guide
Is the Fiddle Leaf Fig the perfect plant for you? Not for the novice plant grower these beautiful and large plants are great in sunny windows. Home to the Humid jungles of Africa they will add a unique flare to your home!
Tillandsia Bromeliad (Air Plants) Care Guide
Are TIllandsia Bromeliads the perfect house plant for you? Also known as air plants these cute light plants thrive in high humidity and can even flower!
Peace Lily Care Guide
Is the Peace Lily the perfect plant for you? These hardy flowering plants have been a favorite among botanist for generations and thrive in an array of growing conditions.
Jade Care Guide
Are Jade the perfect house plant for you? One of the most tolerant plants that thrive in high light. If you have curious cats or dogs this may not be for you as they are toxic.
Croton Care Guide
Are Croton’s the perfect plant for you? Stunning color and unique foliage with this sun loving plant, you can even bring it outside during the summer and watch it’s leaves turn red in the summer sun!
Pothos Care Guide
Is the Pothos the perfect house plant for you? Medium to low light plants that trails down and can be propagated in water!
Aloe Vera Care Guide
Is Aloe Vera the perfect house plant for you? An easy low maintenance house plant with medicinal topical properties, grow your own natural medicine for scrapes and burns!
Peperomia Care Guide
Are Peperomia the perfect house plant for you? This tiny cute plants are non toxic and come in a wide array of varieties, low maintenance semi-succulent like plants that thrive with little care!